Scenography – Stage Set


My scenographer diverse portfolio of work spans multiple mediums, including TV, theater, film, and events. I designed a political talk show set for New TV that was a standout, featuring a deconstructive style and a minimalist white color scheme. I also created the set for an educative program at the same station, with a focus on providing the audience with tips and tricks before the news broadcast.

My stage design for “Ward Number 6,” a play by Anton Chekhov performed in Russia, was meticulously planned with detailed executive drawings. I have also worked on a TV set design for a news broadcast and political talk show in Iraq.

Other notable projects include a Lebanese kids’ fantasy movie, a music show for teenagers at SAT7 TV studios, and an event stage design for an International Peace Event.

My Scenography Design Projects, presented for my M.A. at the Lebanese University, featured my work on several iconic productions such as “Titanic,” “The Magic Flute,” and “L’Italiana in Algeri.” Overall, I am a skilled and versatile scenographer with an impressive body of work.